A healthy company is one which knows what it needs to do, and then gets it done.

Selecting a goal, committing to a completion date, assigning resources, following a budget and completing the work is the definition of a project.  Critical corporate goals - new products, acquisition, compliance actions - can all be treated generically as projects.

Our solution is Total Matrix Management (TM2)

    "As a direct result of our implementation of TM2, we completed 16 major development projects this year compared to only 5 last year. In the last year our profit increased by $45 million on a revenue increase from $450 to $600 million. And we did it without hiring a single additional developer. These results were due solely to the leverage of TM2 applied to our already successful business processes."

    Bill Baron, Director, Lucent Technologies Optical Cable Division, 2000

TM2 gives senior management the structure to effectively and efficiently control the Project/Resource matrix as a single entity.  The classic antagonistic interactions between projects are eliminated and the throughput of projects increases by over 100%.

Implementing the TM2 process: gives senior management an effective controlling role (with structured low time demand), makes one key policy change, replaces a key operational management measurement, and installs a state-of-the-art project management backbone.  We have helped companies double the project throughput rate while halving the time it takes to successfully complete them without increasing staffing.  This means that the entire increase in revenue brought in by these additional projects can go straight to the profit column.  More information is available in theTM2 Brochure, and in the December 2005 Newsletter.  A very complete description for someone wanting to understand all of the fundamentals and the process is in the white paper.

The TM2 process uses Microsoft Project with an add-in from Spherical Angle to enable the state-of-the-art event-driven, project tolerance methodology of project management.

Next Workshop:

(Click here to email a course request)

Title: Total Matrix Management Workshop Using Lean and TOC Concepts

Who Should Attend: Senior Executives interested in the contribution of projects to shareholder value

Date: Currently only in-house courses are scheduled. Call (302) 351-8305 for details.


Copyright Velocity Ponte, LLC 2005
